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I feel like the luckiest person on the planet! I have had chronic pain for over 30 years from fibromyalgia and osteoarthitis. My doctor knew me before I got sick so he knew that I was not a maiingerer and has helped me through most of this time. I did see over 20 doators and specialist and four dentists before I got a diagnosis so I've been at this for a long time. I have taken every pain medica...

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RedSonia | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
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I have had cronic pain since i was 25 years old, I am 50. I did not start taking narcotic pain meds till i was 38. I have taken every medication known to help with cronic pain and methadone is by far the best one for me. I can live a normal healthy active lifestyle that would absolutely not be possible without it. I take 60 mgs a day , 20mgs every 6 hours. I have had to be on higher doses every once in a while (highest dose was 150mgs daily) but once the crisses passed it was fairly easy to reduce dosage. I dont feel high, dosn't make me tired after i got beyond the first couple of weeks when i first started to take for pain 6 years ago.Yes i am physically addicted to it, there is no way around that but im technically physically addicted to my heart medication as well as thyroid meds and diebetic meds also. My body physically requires all of these meds to help funtion to the best of my ability. Am i gonna stress about that fact? Absolutely NOT!! As long as i am following my Drs orders and not abuseing any of my meds the rest is the way it is. Does not make me a drug seeker or a "druggie", what it does make me is doing my best to cope with pain and still be a productive part of society. I wish people wouldn't lable those of us who take methadone "addicts" there is a HUGE difference between being physically addicted and being a "drug addict". I hope this helps you feel better if you were someone who was worried about being labled. Like i said, technically we are all physically addicted to whatever meds we may be taking for multiple afflictions.Read More Read Less

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Tired of PAIN | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
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This medication is by far the best for chronic pain. It's not as easy to get it prescribed as it was 5 years ago. I finally got my new pain doctor to prescribe it for me. I was on Methadone 6 or 7 years ago, but withdrew from all pain medications. My spine has deteriorated tremendously over the last 2 years. So I reluctantly returned to narcotics, but Methadone helps my pain like no other.

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NorthwesternAlumni | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Pain
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I have bone cancer as well as breast cancer. The pain is indescribable. Since the only types of pain medicine I had ever had in my life was Tylenol and advil my doctors started me out on Norco. That didn't do anything and so they kept upping the ante so to speak until I was on a lot of dilaudid. I was feeling like I was loosing myself and that's when my doctor suggested Methadone. Now I know that this is ignorant and I admit I was ignorant because I thought Methadone was for drug users. I know that it helps with that problem too, so I am not trying to come off degradingly. After I spoke with the doctor, I spoke with my family and looked it up online. I decided that I would trust my doctor and try it. And I feel great considering. It doesn't make me high or loopy. It makes me still feel like me. It takes away 90% of the pain which for someone with any severe pain would say is INCREDIBLE. I do also take dilaudid if I have to but those days are few. I love not having to hide in bed because I am loopy. What little life I have in between treatments is my life again as it should be and I even have more confidence with treating both cancers and its because I am able to control most of the pain. Read More Read Less

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ice25 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I have been on methadone for a little over a month now im on 130 ml. Have been clean off heroin &fetanol for almost a month now...It works pretty well it does not get you high just makes u not dope sick. Iv been able to live a normal life for about a month now . its been great

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steve l. | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years |
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I've been off methadone for 19 NOT ever take this drug for any kind of extended time!I stopped cold turkey when my guy was busted.30 mgs.per day to for 4 yrs.-to 0.the withdrawal is indescribable! think of the worst 10 days of your life,and multiply by 20!it doesn't stop there.i'm thinking 45 days or more.I'm gonna hang in because I'm seeing some major improvement.make yourself exercise and take vitamins.whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

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Working Man | 45-54 | Male | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Although I'm new with it, I think I can accurately describe exactly how it works/feels to me. (35 mg. liquid dose): it's a famtastic anxiolytic. Does not feel like a benzodiazepine, thankfully, but Methadone does give a satisfying state of total relaxation. Barely want to move, but I say that in a nice away. I was surprised by the deeply-satisfying relaxation, because Heroin junkies say Methadone isn't much. (Then again junkies are chronic whiners). I also like the fact that Methadone's effects last for a long time. Wake up the next day still pleasantly relaxed. Pain relief I'd rate only as moderate though, I could see it being ok for mild pain, but not for severe pain. But in summary Methadone is an excellent anxiolytic.Read More Read Less

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carl | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Severe Pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

clogged artery in both legs, surgery on rt leg. in hospital for 77 days, was on that all that time. I just stop taking morphine for last 2 yrs. 180mg a day it made me have stomach problems and fell like crap most of the day it did take away the pain.but I want a change

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Marshanipper1 | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 3.0
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I have been on Methadone for 10 years at .5 mg x 2 times a day. My pain doc said it was a baby dose. I decided four months ago to withdraw. I started slowly and continued until I was down to just a small piece of the pill. I was hospitalized one month ago and haven't had the drug since. OMG, I feel like I am having an out of body experience. My feet, hands, lips are numb. I can't sleep, eat or function. I am a complete mess and didn't understand why until I read your comments. Now that I know I will contact me pain doc and ask for another Rx to continue withdrawing. What a shame. I never abused this drug. Was afraid of it from the very beginning but nothing else was working. Now you have to go to the doctor, secure the Rx, must have a diagnosis code and then, and only then will the pharmacist fill it. She/he has the right to say NO. Will look at your controlled substance list and will determine if you need med. The FDA makes the pharmacist file a stack of paperwork to account for your Rx. Beware, it will be much harder to get and hard-core addicts will be buying it on the street corner. I am praying hard for relief and will continue with .25 mg a day and see what happens. Think twice before taking this drug. May you all be well and advised.Read More Read Less

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Debrah | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
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I was on oxycontin and hydrocodone for 5 years which really screwed up my mental outlook. Was switched to this med; I take 20mg four times a day and it has allowed me to have a normal life. There is no mental manipulation as before and I can be myself and live with my pain. If it weren't for this medication I think I would be a very messed up patient. Am going on my 10th year and it has been working perfectly. I won't let anyone change my meds without a fight.

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sheets | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

first started taken methadone at a clinic to get off herion in 2008,can honestly say that i,ve not shot up since the first day i was on it,works great for that,now i take it for chronic pain from lower back,plus i have stage 4 copd,works great for pain an my breathing,i take the liquid,it,s hard to find a doctor to prescribe it for you outside of a clinic setting,but i go to a pallitive care doctor cause i,m terminally ill..i,m on 80 mgs in the morning and 40 mgs at night..and i don,t take any other pain so many has said it gave me my life back..without it,i wouldnot be here today..been on it for 6 years now,and not looking to get off of it..Read More Read Less

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HappyJoyousFreeB | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I am 23 y/o & have battled Opioid Dependance for 7 years now. I have tried Suboxone maintenance programs, detox programs with Suboxone, detox programs with Subutex, 12 step programs, counseling, going the religious route, & just going flat out 'cold turkey'. Through all of this I had a sincere desire to sober up & change my life for the better yet I couldn't seem to stick to it for one reason or another, no matter what I did. Then I was introduced to the Methadone Clinic from a family member (Opioid Dependance/Addiction runs heavily throughout my family) and so I figured I would give it a go. I had tried everything else & realistically had nothing left to lose. I have been going for a little over two months now & have been clean and sober ever since. I'm sure a lot of people out there carry a negative stigma when it comes to Methadone Clinics & the people who go there every morning... I know I did! But little did I know it would soon become literally the only thing out there that could & would keep a needle out of my arm. I just want to throw out there that this is strictly my experience; this is what worked for me... I pray that no one else out there will struggle for as long as I did, or allow it to get to the extent that I did. But like I said, I haven't been going for long & I am already weaning down off of my original 85 mg dose. I work a 12 step program as well & my sponsor knows about everything regarding the Methadone. I used to hold a lot of guilt for taking the medication while working a 12 step program but today I know that my heart is in the right place & that I want to be 100% mind altering substance free; hence the reason I am already coming down.I just have to remember that I am not a doctor & that this will take time because I do tend to beat myself up & get ahead of myself. Overall this whole experience has benefited me immensely & I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone who is still suffering & knows they're ready to start living a better life.Read More Read Less

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angelfish | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Took for several yrs.Developed Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency from taking this. Only Endocrinologists seem to know this can happen, my Pain Spec. were unaware. After yrs of suffering, diagnosed-but told don't stop methadone just take a steroid like Hydrocortizone or prednisone every day.MISERY .After a yr I couldn't take how I felt -decided to detox off both!! In 3 wks my pituitary function returned. Now i can get over the effects of muscle wasting,low hormones,skin bruising & tearing,low energy etc.It's been a 1 1/2 yrs.I'm doing well, able to take a short acting pain med for pain a couple times a day. Beware of Methadone is my advice. Read More Read Less

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KatieJo1988 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

My addiction to pain pills started shortly before having surgery on my ankle in march 2012. I failed several attempts at getting clean. This time when I went to the hospital for detox I was started on methadone and the doctor talked to me about long term use of methadone, the pros and cons, so on and so fourth. Knowing how bad my addiction to opiates had gotten, I was desperate for a solution to help me get clean and STAY clean. I was hurt in the military so even after my surgery I still had chronic pain however I was not able to control my use of the pain pills. So I needed something to help me not abuse opiates yet help with my continued daily pain as well. One of the times I tried to quit I was put on Suboxone, which made me extremely sick, found out I was allergic to it after several different trials of forms and mgs. This time around I started Methadone. All I can say is, METHADONE HAS CHANGED AND SAVED MY LIFE. I am able to live a "normal" life!!!!!!!! I am able to get up and do everyday tasks with ease, I am able to be an amazing mother to my 3 year old daughter, I am able to set goals and successfully take the steps to achieve them. I will say the task of going to the clinic everyday to get it has been a pain in the butt, although it beats chasing pain pills 24/7 365. Needless to say, I am VERY happy and satisfied. My main side effects are constipation, sugar cravings, extreme drowsiness and profuse sweating. There is a supplement (non prescription) that is available directly from the manufacturer to address these particular side effects. I cannot recall the name however I am trying to look it up as we speak. My clinic informed me of this supplement and has heard nothing but good things about it so as soon as I find it again I am going to order it and try it. Methadone has a bad rep so people argue with me all the time about it, however if they haven't been in my shoes their opinion doesn't matter to me. Methadone saved my life.Read More Read Less

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bill | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

treatment expensive at substance abuse clinic. Looking for Doctor to prescribe this medication for me.

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NICK M. | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
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I read one review where the Lady says that the pharmacists have limited the amount of Meds they dispense. Sweetheart I hate to tell you,but it's not the pharmacy, Yes there are one's out there that think they are "GOD" and won't fill your Meds, but chain stores, most of them anyway won't carry Methadone. But the real A-Holes are the DEA, and the FDA, they think they know more than your DR. And in the interest of safety, have restricted the amount that a store that does carry it, can purchase, thus the problem. I was just starting to get my life back, after ten years of unrelenting low Back pain that kept me pretty much house-bound since the surgery, then to have these MF'S take it away, because some IDIOTS OD THEMSELVES, Good riddance. To take the only medicine that ever worked, and they tried everything on me, makes me madder than you can imagine, put the little pencil neck in front of me and I will teach him about PAIN.Read More Read Less

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PatriotM | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Severe Pain
Overall rating 4.7
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I have idiopathic scoliosis and I'm fairly hunched over. Can't have surgery due to other health issues. Almost 20yrs. ago I was put on Methadone to help me get off of Vicodin. The doctor realized I may as well stay on it for pain since it was the only pain med that I wouldn't grow tolerant to as the years go by. I was on a very high dose in the beginning, over 200mg. Now I'm at 30-40mg. a day and able to function (walk!) WISH I HAD KNOWN: Strips you of Calcium/Vita D to the point of osteoporosis. Highly addictive, G-D help me if I'm late taking it or worse, something stops availability, etc. Diabetes-everyone I know on it is getting Diabetes, like me. The stigma and lack of education of doctors and esp. nurses. Staring at your arms looking for injection scars, asking mean questions, talking down to you. Nodding off, esp. if you smoke. There go your nice floors/carpets! BUT, I believe it has saved my life, even with the bad stuff it's caused. As for pain relief, nothing can touch it or even come close. Take as low a dose as possible.Read More Read Less

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linda | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
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very good no problems lasts long period between taking dr taking away cause; fed law i have 4th stage liver disiese hep do not drink never have fibromyalgia gall bladder fused discs bone spur in knee chronic pain..............helps ease all.

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Anonymous | Female | On medication for less than 1 month |
Condition: Symptoms from Stopping Treatment with Opioid Drugs
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

how long will this stay in your system before you may try another drug?

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MEME | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
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PLANTLADY | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 4.0
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