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3.6 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

35 People found this comment helpful

I had a lot of problems with ortho tri-cyclin lo. The most troublesome being severe dizziness and constant nausea. These symptoms were so intense the first week of taking the pill, I thought I obtained a virus or disease. After three months of no birth control and not getting my period, my gynocoligest gave me a trial pack of brand name Loestrin. Loestrin was not only better than ortho tri-cyc...

Most voted negative review

5 People found this comment helpful

The first few months on this pill were fine then i hit my 4th or 5th month and i started bleeding in the second week of the pack and it was heavier than my normal period. THis is the second time i have been on this pill. the first time i never had any problems

Shared reviews and ratings

rnr | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abnormal Bleeding from the Uterus
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

The second week going into the third week of taking this pill has been the worst: I have been soaking pads every hr for three days now. Usually, drinking plenty of water and exercising has helped my flow and cramping but not even that has helped. A nurse I spoke to said that this isn't normal at all and I am very susceptible to migraines, so I will not be taking this pill again.

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vmeltx23 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

After taking Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo for many years I decided to switch to something that would cost me less per month. That was a bad idea. The only good thing about this drug is that my periods have completely stopped. However, I now have terrible mood swings, low sex drive and acne for the first time in my life. Not something I wanted at 31. I've been on it for almost five months with symptoms only worsening. Will be changing birth control pills immediately.

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doyourresearch1st | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

Overall I didn't feel myself I've been on Microgestin for less than a month and it has been terrible! This pill gave me manic like mood swings (angry), no sex drive/ dryness, food cravings and break outs. I was on Lutera for 2 years I decided to switch to try something new. The Lutera began to made me nauseated in the mornings. Needless to say Microgestin is not for me I'm going back to Lutera I will take it at night to avoid nausea. I'm a little disappointed I didn't research this pill before I tried it.Read More Read Less

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vespertine | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I am currently on my 3rd month of taking his BC. During the first month and a half of taking it, I experienced some nausea. It eventually went away, but now I have been experiencing chronic dry eyes especially when I wear my contact lenses. I thought it was dry air or allergies, but no one else in my office is experiencing this. Two weeks ago, I had a rash appear on my wrists that resembles eczema. I have never had this before, so I checked the list of side effects for Microgestin and it seems this is one of them. My period has continued to come like clock work and my flow has been minimal. I have an appointment with my OB next month and will bring these issues up with her, but I like taking a low hormone BC. I haven't had any pregnancy scares since taking it, so it definitely works if taken properly.Read More Read Less

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Hellogoodbye | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

In the past I had tried 3? different birth control pills all of which were met with side effects that were too annoying to work with. So for years I just used condoms, I decided to try the pill again; spoke with my new ob/gyn and have been taking this ever since (over a year). I LOVE this medication, my cycles are shorter and cramping and flow is almost non existent. I didn't realize how good I had it until my pharmacy didn't carry this and swore the other genetic was just the same, big wrong it was awful bloating heavy periods for weeks and eating like a maniac no one needs that!! I switched pharmacy's and got my pills back thank goodness. My only side effect which could be in my mind lol is they make me a little tired, so I take them at night bam problem solved. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Painful Periods
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I have been taking this pill for a little over five months to relieve cramping during my periods and it's helped tremendously. I have had no issues and had timely, light periods when expecting them. I'm not sure if I've had a slight increase in acne. However I've started developing cramps and I'm unsure of the cause as of recent, this is after my monthly period.

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

This works and is easy to take like any other pill. But I keep getting period early. It last long and I keep spotting. This is particular my annoying because I am usually very regular an can plan my cycle like clock work. Need to switch.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

Not long after starting this birth control I began to have horrible breast pain. I have felt depressed, moody, and anxious/nervous since taking it. My periods have come every two weeks. I am in my 3rd month and I had an 8 day period then a debilitating migraine for 3 full days and then another period for about 4 days... I am getting the Mirena put in next week. This is by far the worst birth control pill I have ever taken.

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bballgirl | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I did not become pregnant. That is the only good thing about this drug. I have tried repeatedly to take Microgestin -- I lasted 6 months, 2 months and 1 month. I simply cannot bear the side effects. It causes uncontrollable mood swings, 15 lb weight gain and I have been hospitalized twice for migraines that doctors initially thought were strokes. I was 14 when my doctor first prescribed it to regulate my period. I was hospitalized because I had symptoms of a stroke (garbled speech, numbness in one side of my face and body), but after the CT scan showed nothing abnormal, I was told it was a migraine. This happened again two years later when I started to use it for contraception. Hospitalized again for a 'migraine'. Additionally, I completely lost my sex drive. I had no desire whatsoever at 18! That is NOT normal. I stuck it out this time for 6 months because I did not want a pregnancy. Finally, after I gained 15 lbs with no changes in eating habits or exercise (I was a varsity basketball player), I called it quits. I may be predisposed to these symptoms, but it was simply the worst experience I have ever had with a drug. I am now on Alesse, which is slightly more bearable. Read More Read Less

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Cami | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

I used this pill about 2 months. The first month was fine, but during the second pack, my period came on way early, and put a damper on my weeklong vacation with my partner who had been deployed nearly a year. It also made me nauseous for about an hour after taking it. On the positive,I did notice my skin cleared up.

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julie1234 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Painful Periods
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I've had incredibly painful periods over the last year and a half (so bad that I'd vomit because the pain, have to leave work, etc), so I decided I'd try out birth control to decrease the pain. I've been on the pill for a month and a half (so it still may be premature to rate this drug), and I continued to have an intensely painful period, as well as the period lasting for a few days longer than usual. Additionally, I've been very up-and-down emotionally, which was not normal for me before taking the pill. I've found myself depressed for no reason, and on the verge of tears multiple times a week, although nothing in life has changed. I'm going to talk with my doctor and see if there's a better option for me. I have not been happy with Microgestin 1/20.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use
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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I feel depressed ALL the time and I'm constantly nervous. I keep getting my period in the middle of the pack and it drives me nuts. I've been on this pill for about 3 months now and I'm through. The uncertainty of my periods has me constantly running to the drug store for a pregnancy test, it's draining.I have yet to find a pill that works best for me but I know for sure this isn't the one.

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desparate mom | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Painful Periods
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I'm wondering if anyone has ever experianced these symptoms my 15 yr old daughter went on generess fe hours after taking it she had a severe sore throat and swollen glands tested neg for strep and mono also very nauseous stopped taking it went on microgestin fe1/20 the next month after a week on them again the same thing sore throat and swollen glands and very very tired tested again for strep and mono again negative also her left groin muscle feels pulled. i am thinking of taking her off them immediately when i talk with the gyno he says the pills shouldnt cause those symptoms she has severe periods i really dont want to take her off of them but she shouldnt be suffering like this. HELP has anyone felt like this????Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I'm torn here.. I just completed my 2nd month & it did regulate my periods.. mine are never heavy so I can't really say if it helped with that.. I haven't had any weight gain (which was my biggest fear) but I have become super depressed.. I went to my gyne today to get a new pill but I'm questioning whether I should try I new one or just stick this one out for another month or two to see if it subsides...

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I've been taking microgestin for over a year now and haven't had any issues. I've actually lost weight while on it, 50lbs is a lot to lose.. It's helped a lot with the menstrual cramps and controlling my flow. I'm overall happy with my birth control.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I am a 30 year old who, before this, had never taken BC. I've suffered with horrible cramps due to endometriosis for years. I have several ovarian cysts, some of them being endometriomas, which most likely is the cause of excruciating intercourse. So, I'm not on this because I don't want to get pregnant, it's a medical thing and I was told BC is the only option before surgery. I don't even have sex - way too painful! I switched from Lo Loestrin to this because even with my insurance the price was insanely expensive. I've been on this for less than a month (about a month a half between the two prescriptions) and I feel ok. Definitely exhausted all the time, crampy (but not like it used to be), emotional, weight gain, breasts have gotten bigger but are tender. I've had spotting a couple times, but haven't had my period in about 45 days. I think my body's just adjusting to the medication. So far, I have to say, I wish I would have taken this years ago. I just don't like taking medication in general, and especially one that screws up your hormones. But, I haven't been curled up in pain in over a month, which was a monthly occurrence before this, and would last for days.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous Review | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

Took my body about 4 months before the nausea went away. I have been on it for 7 months now. Still experiencing headaches, weight gain, fatigue, and irritability. I was hoping for less side effects when I asked for a low hormone birth control, but this one has been hard on me.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

I was on Loestrin 24 and have not felt like myself.I am super moody- crying, mean, anger, and tired. I have had felt so bad about myself. I have been doing P90x for over 3 months and eating right but have just continued to gain weight. I started on Micogestrin fe 1/20 and these symptoms are MUCH worse!! I have alienated all of my friends/family and want to be alone. Making an appointment with my Dr. to get on something else.

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MC_213 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

The side effects from this birth control were unbearable. I am 23 years old and have been taking the pill for the past 8 years and have not once had these issues. I have been taking Microgestin for a little over 2 months. I was extremely moody, depressed, mean, gained weight, had zero sex drive, and was all around miserable. I had been taking Loestrin and loved it so I was shocked when it was no longer manufactured. Thankfully I am switching my prescription. I hope no one else suffers these side effects. Read More Read Less

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