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I’m a truck driver. I drove with a guy last week who turned out positive for Covid. I didn’t find out until I had left on a solo run. I’ll n my way back the symptoms hit me. Horrible headache, eyes hurt, mild chills. I couldn’t drive. I stopped at a truck stop for 2 days stuck in my truck using what I had on hand available (lozenges with zinc, super beets with D3, Balance of Nature, emergen-C and ...

Most voted negative review

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Kidney transplant recipient. Experienced body aches, low fever, mild/non-productive cough, and fatigue. Prescribed Paxlovid on testing positive for COVID-19. The morning after the first dose I experience the metallic taste but body aches seemed better. The taste caused loss of appetite and I was nauseated. By the second dose, I began vomiting. I could not hold down anything. I stopped after day t...

Shared reviews and ratings

M in PDX | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I'm male, 50, obese with HBP. Was 36 hours into symptoms of confirmed COVID (fever had stopped the night before so might be on the mend) and seems to have a lighter case. Started Paxlovid about 1pm yesterday. Bitter taste started 2 hours later. it's non-stop and all over your tongue. Food tastes the same, its like all you bitter tastebuds are "on". Like a chewing a bitter pill and it not going away. Also, I can't sleep. Sure, I was feeling great yesterday evening. I mean my symptoms turned down 80%. Just felt really good. I got into bed but didn't sleep. 10:30pm to 3:30am I was wide awake. Not a restless sleep, not anxiety sleep. Wide awake. I usually fall asleep in 3 min or less. I went through some sleep exercises, all the tricks...nada. Somewhere around 3:30a I fell asleep and woke up 5am. Completely up. Got out of bed at 6:30am. My brain is screaming "get some sleep" but my body is thinking I should run a marathon or clean the house from top to bottom. I'm not going to work online today as I am "off"...just can see me making poor decisions with lack of sleep. I feel good...I do. But I'm wired awake. Read More Read Less

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Bossou | 55-64 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.3
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Tested positive for COVID-19 after being vaccinated with Moderna 3x. Was diagnosed in the 24 hours of symptoms onset. The medicine was very effective But after 24 hours left you with an extremely foul taste in your mouth up to 20 hours a day. I almost stopped taking it out for three days but figured if that’s the only side effect I would brave through it. The medicine was extremely effective and brought on no other side effects. It was excellent

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LWR | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 2.3
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I was prescribed paxlovid on day 4 of covid symptoms, I have taken 2 doses so far and I CANNOT stand the taste in my mouth. I am not sure I can continue. I read all of these reviews prior to deciding to take it. I am a healthy 48 yr old otherwise. This is the 2nd time I have had covid, last time it lasted 2 full weeks, so I thought I could try this and maybe get better sooner. But this taste comes up from my stomach so no matter what or how much I eat, it comes back :(

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J | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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35yo high risk COPD, obese and have asthma. Day 1 of symptoms had fever,chills, body aches, congestion and very weak had to have help getting up and even to the bathroom. Tested positive same day symptoms developed and rapidly was declining. Called doctor she prescribed me this, first dose was Tuesday evening (same day started feeling poor) had a rough night day 2 morning was a little rough but by the end of the day fever was gone, no chills, no body ache was feeling better. Day 3 all symptoms gone excepts for slight cough and congestion had lots of energy, masked up, gloved up and scrubbed entire house even shampooed carpets like I said lots of energy and restored. After day 5 I had slight congestion and little coughing that continues but able to function and get back to normal the only downfall was the nasty taste in mouth the entire time, also food taste altered had to chew spearmint gum and only blue Gatorade taste good. Also gave me a yeast infection but all in all it helped me recover. Id take it again. I thought it was going to take me this time but this med really helped. Read More Read Less

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DrEddie | 35-44 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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For background reasons and reason for writing the review is because I am on Paxlovid and happen to be a clinical infectious diseases Pharm.D. (Pharmacist). I am only on day 1 so can’t personally attest to the effectiveness of the medication as it is too early in my treatment but definitely have the metallic/bitter taste similar to what aspirin or BC powder tastes but not as intense. Otherwise no other adverse effects thus far. Now putting on my clinical hat, Please keep in mind this treatment includes a medication called ritonavir which is originally an HIV drug but not used for that purpose but rather slows the liver breakdown rate of the second component in Paxlovid. Ritonavir can do the same to many medications broken down (metabolized) by the liver thus increasing chances of adverse effects from such other medications mimicking if you are overdosing on other medications and that is why it is very important the doctor prescribing this and the pharmacist are aware of ALL your meds before prescribing Paxlovid. Second point, this medication is an antiviral affecting viruses in a manner specific to them and not bacteria or yeasts so it will NOT give anyone a yeast infection. The one review here is a coincidence and nothing more. Unlike antibiotics which target bacteria and can cause secondary yeast infections, antivirals do not do this. Third, PLEASE take the entire course (unless you are having an allergic reaction) as taking only part of the regimen but not all of it can result in viral resistance from resulting which translates into a worse COVID infection which has now evolved to overcome antiviral medications. Also, this medication is only effective against COVID and on the same note, other antivirals used to treat other viral infections are not effective against COVID. Fourth, the sooner you start Paxlovid after symptoms begin the better it works. After 5 days of symptoms, paxlovid is not likely to help much especially if you were previously vaccinated as your natural antibodies already did most of the work and most of your symptoms are due to the damage done to your body by your own immune system which will take time to heal regardless what you take. Lastly, despite taking Paxlovid or not, you will likely continue to test positive for COVID using home testing even after you recover for a while as the test only detects the presence of the virus, regardless if the virus is intact or destroyed to bits by your immune system and/or Paxlovid. It is not until you shed all the COVID from your nose mucosa or shed the skin (technically mucosa) cells lining the inside of your nose. I hope all recover well. Godspeed. Read More Read Less

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Always Dieting | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.7
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A miracle drug...I think! Returning from a 12 day cruise where at leat 36 passendgers tested positive en route, I started feeling like a sinus infection was coming on very reapidly that night. Next day, had 102 fever, chills, body aches, headace, post nasal drip, bad cough and tested positive. It was a Saturday, my primary care said to wait until Monday since I was fully vaccinated and boosted he thought it might not get too bad. However, I am also high risk, age 64.8, diabetic, have high blood pressure, mitral valve prolapse, thyroid issue, and mildly obese. Started Paxlovid Monday night,my 3rd day of illness, at that point my heart was racing in my chest, I couldn't speak without hacking, not good. Started feeling better after the first dose, thank goodness. It is a 5 day treatment, 3 pills in the morning and evening. Yes, it left a nasty metallic taste in my mouth and throat, but I felt it was a very small price to pay to get better. Today is day 10, no fever for 5 days now, but still lethargic and coughing, post nasal drip. Testing tomorrow to see if negative!Read More Read Less

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anonymous1334 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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I am young and have health conditions that put me at high risk. Went to the ER on day 2 and was prescribed this, and began taking it that night. This is my second day on the drug and while I have a nasty bitter taste in my mouth (I would liken it to when you leave a pill in your mouth a little too long and have a little bit of the pill on your tongue so you taste it) as well as woke up soaked in sweat, as of now I can definitely see an improvement in my symptoms. Personally, I was willing to take the risk of this drug if it meant that I was at a decreased risk of hospitalization and death. I’ll take the side effects and on the other hand, yes we don’t know what the long term impacts will be but we don’t know what they are for covid either. I will update if anything else arises, but I wanted to report being that I’m on the younger end of the at risk spectrum so my body probably handles things differently. This is after a two dose Modena series and booster, but no second one yet (I am technically well past the window for a second booster just not eligible in my area yet.)Read More Read Less

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Teresa H | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.3
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Had sneezing fits Friday evening, 5/13/22 and woke up Saturday morning with dry cough and scratchy sore throat. Took 2 at home rapid Covid tests and both were positive. Scheduled an E-Visit with Dr. who prescribed a 5 day treatment of Paxlovid, which I started that night. About an hour after taking the first dose, I had the bitter metallic taste in my mouth. I was so tired, that I went to sleep soon after. Next morning, I took another dose and once again, the bitter taste returned and stayed all day. I'm on the 3rd day of treatment and trying to mitigate this awful taste. I have no appetite, but must take this treatment with food. I'm drinking water to try and wash the taste from my saliva glands and chewing gum constantly, which seems to help. I plan to try the chicken broth suggested by another on this site. My symptoms now are stuffy nose, mild body aches, no tightness in chest or difficulty breathing. Feels like a head cold, with the exception of this terrible taste. Read More Read Less

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Paxlovid | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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Am 71, fairly healthy. One vaccine J&J 3/21 but still had strong antibodies. Drove a 1200 mile trip, was rundown. Felt like a sinus infection coming on Monday night halfway through drive . Slight sore throat. Typical me if run down. Purchased mucinex on Tuesday. Collapsed tired at home that night. Sore throat and head worse. Weds morning much worse, fever spiked up to 103, achey, headache, stuffed up. Took at home test…positive. Called Dr. Prescribed Z-pack and Paxlovid. Started z-pack weds night, got/started Paxlovid Thursday evening. Fever gone on Wednesday but noticed some chicken salad I had tasted like someone dumped a gallon of salt in which nurse said meant I’ll lose my taste buds . All day Thursday severe diarrhea. This is my first Covid. By Friday night after 3 doses of Pavlovid all but a bit of a cough gone. Just very very tired. This is day 7, Sunday, and am still very tired and low energy but am relieved. The metallic taste as all say is like none other. It’s like your saliva is oozing metholalcohol and CBD ( because my son had me try it once ) oil out of your mouth pores. It’s heinous. Think I’d never have gotten this sick to begin with had I not been so worn out after driving 2 days. This drug works. This taste though needs some remediation. Read More Read Less

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AirplaneCatcher | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.3
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Health-wise all is going well, thankfully. This non-stop bitter taste is no joke, though. I'm on my third dose and haven't been able to spend more than one minute without food or drink because I can't get relief from the taste. That means I could barely sleep last night because of the taste! BUT.....I had matzo ball soup a couple of hours ago and that is the first thing that has given me lasting relief. I'm now keeping chicken broth, extra salt added, next to me in bed and sipping on that. I'm like a new person.Read More Read Less

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Jenny | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.7
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Stopped taking after 3 doses. After the third dose I had a terrible taste in my mouth and was in the bathroom every half hour. Maybe my case was too mild to take this medicine.

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Jenny | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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I am a 51 year old female, 4x vaxxed (Pfizer/Pfizer/Pfizer/Moderna). My husband got covid at jazz fest and was coughing/headache but otherwise doing ok. I was testing every night at home for covid. On 5/12 I tested earlier evening because I felt a thick feeling in my throat and a faint pain in the middle of my chest (I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma at 21, 30 years ago, had a tumor between my lungs in the location of this onset of pain). I tested positive. That night I woke up a few times with this chest pain, and a headache and very occasional cough. Did CVS e-appointment the next morning and had paxlovid by 1pm, 24 hours after my first inkling of symptoms and 20 hours after positive test. The next morning, I no longer had the chest pain and I tested negative for covid. I could almost feel a clearing of the virus everywhere. I’m grateful I started the treatment so soon after symptom onset. I’m hoping that will prevent the rebound. Stomach has been ok. I’m sensitive, so I eat before taking it. The metallic taste is definitely unpleasant - as ppl have mentioned, it may subside around hours 8-10, and then it’s time for another dose. The med feels toxic- but obviously so is covid!! Drink plenty of water and don’t take meds you didn’t review during the appointment. This med alone is a serious job for your liver and kidneys to process. Don’t overdo additional meds! My husband is frustrated at how quickly I’m recovering (and testing negative) and he’s still working through the virus (and the positive tests). Read More Read Less

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Beachlily | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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Intestinal issues were unpleasant. Altered taste was difficult to deal with but if it helped me have lessened effects from Covid then I guess it was worth it

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Elona | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 2.7
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I began having symptoms on the morning of 5/5/22. The day progressed and my resting heart rate, which is normally in the low 60's was constantly hovering in the 90's. The next day I became feverish and my heart rate was 115 even when sleeping. So, on the 3rd day I tested positive and got Paxlovid. I began taking it that evening, roughly 60 hours after my first sypmtoms. Within 24 hours I began feeling better and my heart rate normalized. My congestion and fever went away, the brain fog improved, and by the 5th day I was feeling my energy return. However, within 24 hours of my last dose I began to feel tired. Within 48 hours I was starting to get more mucous and a cough. My voice got very hoarse and my heavy tiredness returned. I am certainly not recovered. I worry that it will move into my chest. As for side effects, I had the horrible taste in my mouth all the time, which made taking this medication very unpleasant. I also had a few bouts of diarrhea. I did feel better when I was on it, and it definitely seems to have lessened the severity of the infection, but I am now on day 9 of my illness (2 days past my last dose) and I am getting worse, not better.Read More Read Less

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Sheron | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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Tested positive on Wednesday. Coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, headache, body aches. Started Paxlovid Thursday night. By Friday night greatly improved. Worst thing was aftertaste but that was better than getting worse with Covid.

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Queenie | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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I tested positive for Covid-19 on 5/10, after my 12-year-old daughter reported symptoms and tested positive with a home test. My symptoms were similar to a bad cold, with low fever, chills, body aches, sore throat and headache. I called my primary care doctor on 5/11 & requested Paxlovid (I am 60, obese, pre-diabetic and have mild asthma). I started taking Paxlovid on 5/12 (there is only one pharmacy in all of New York City delivering the drug for my hospital network!). It is now 5/13 and I have taken two doses. My symptoms have definitely lessened, and I was able to sleep through most of the night except for having to pee frequently because I've been drinking so much liquid. I am experiencing mild diarrhea, and the horrible metallic aftertaste that everyone else has experienced. I'm drinking a ton of liquids and will update once I finish the course of Paxlovid.Read More Read Less

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Yes | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 2.3
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This is an updated review. I stated yesterday, on day 3 of treatment, that it was going fairly well. 8 hours later, I can't sleep, and having trouble breathing. I am not finishing this prescription.

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Yes | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.3
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What I thought was an allergy attack, turned out to be Covid. I was prescribed this medication on the 3rd day of symptoms ranging from extreme sneezing fits, painful sinus pressure, and cough, to a sore throat. I'm on day 3 of treatment. I have experienced an improvement of symptoms. The only thing still bothering me is a cough, and sinuses, but not nearly as bad.

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Thankful | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
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I feel this has worked well for me. Positive on day 4 of symptoms building up, obtained rx. I had fatigue, fever and a cough that didn't get much worse after taking Paxlovid. Let me disperse some confusion I see, this med doesn't heal you from covid it inhibits covid from replicating allowing your body to heal faster instead of getting sicker. This is why it works better earlier on. Side effects for me were horrible taste in mouth and diarrhea. Both manageable. I would definitely take again.

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Vaxed, boosted male | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 5.0
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1st off I am double vaxed and boosted by pfizer. I woke up Sunday morning very congested, cloudy mind, fatigue, fever, worse body and joint aches I have ever had and could barely function. It is the feeling of having the worst flu possible. I did have diarrhea on second day and loss of smell. I did have loss of taste on day 1. Tested positive for Covid19 within seconds via home test.. this disease is one that has its own unique symptoms and you only can relate if you contract Covid19. Was prescribed Steroids and Paxlovid and was told by the Dr. to take a regular asprin daily while on Paxlovid and till I get through Covid19. I Started taking all Monday night. My fever broke around 3am and woke up feeling a bit better. Body aches had subsided and fatigue was much better. Congestion and brain cloud still there pretty bad. Taste came back but still loss of smell.. Day four lost my voice and 90% of congestion moved from head to throat and lungs but was not very difficult to clear. Through out having this I have forced myself to move around and go outside for fresh air. I never laid down except for Normal night time sleep. I did take severe nyquil at night to help me sleep which it did.i also took dayquil in the day for the first two days which helped a little. I used one pump of afrin nasal spray in each nostril prior to going to bed which helped with the congestion. Stopped both dayquil and nasal spray after two days.. There is a metallic taste with the Paxlovid but for me not intolerable and I always ate something before taking which helped. So far on the morning of day 5 of Covid19 I feel 90% better and will be starting day 4 of Paxlovid, steroids and a regular asprin. I will update once I get to the other side ofvthis horrible disease.Read More Read Less

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