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I’m a truck driver. I drove with a guy last week who turned out positive for Covid. I didn’t find out until I had left on a solo run. I’ll n my way back the symptoms hit me. Horrible headache, eyes hurt, mild chills. I couldn’t drive. I stopped at a truck stop for 2 days stuck in my truck using what I had on hand available (lozenges with zinc, super beets with D3, Balance of Nature, emergen-C and ...

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Kidney transplant recipient. Experienced body aches, low fever, mild/non-productive cough, and fatigue. Prescribed Paxlovid on testing positive for COVID-19. The morning after the first dose I experience the metallic taste but body aches seemed better. The taste caused loss of appetite and I was nauseated. By the second dose, I began vomiting. I could not hold down anything. I stopped after day t...

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Paxlovid | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Developed very bad diarrhea on day 2 of the med. I quit taking the med halfway through the 5 day required prescription. I am over Covid now. I will refuse Paxlovid if offered during any future Covid issues. I think my prescribed meds should have been checked more carefully by doctor. I believe I had a drug interaction. Be careful when taking any other drugs and having Paxlovid suggested for you.

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FullVaxDblBoost | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

Beginning 4th day of 5-day Paxlovid. Fully vaxxed, double boostered: P/P/P/Moderna. Female, 62, obese but otherwise healthy (active hiker, no chronic conditions or meds, though vulnerable to bronchitis). Last boost 4/15/22. Breakthru infect. with symptoms: started with crazy sneezing bouts (9-15+ times an hour) and very runny nose like I've never had before (thin, would drip or run out if I wasn't blowing nose every few minutes). After about 2 days, muscus became thick, ran low-grade fever, headache, fatigued with brain fog, miserable. On about 3rd day, added sore throat, miserable, headache, brain fog, fatigue. Tested positive. No chest symptoms. Messaged doctor stating positive, requested therapeutic consult. Received a bunch of generic info in return from someone in office. Messaged doctor/office a reply reiterating positive test and requesting therapeutic consult as time was tight. Again, received generic info about caring for mild symptoms at home. By this time, I no longer had a fever and felt a bit better, but was worried about disease progressing to lungs. 4th day, tested positive again. Messaged doctor again, with all-caps subject line stating positive, comorbidity, time running out on therapeutics. I worded the message politely but to make them look as bad as possible if Covid progressed to a bad outcome and they had blown me off. (Messages become part of my medical record.) Got almost immediate reply from dr. After some back and forth, got prescription for Paxlovid, filled at local pharmacy. (I had to do the leg work to research which pharmacies stocked Paxlovid, their hours, contact info, etc. This while still feeling pretty miserable. I was so frustrated and congested and headachy that I cried. I share this to point out that it might take effort and assertiveness to get therapeutics.) I was able to start taking them on Day 5 after symptoms. I get the gross taste in my mouth but it's transitory. Soon after taking pills, lasts for a couple of hours in daytime. Worst upon waking in the morning, quite disgusting. Rinsing with water, brushing teeth helps. I take them about 10 am, 10 pm. That way I can have coffee and breakfast before am dose, dinner before pm dose. Days 1-3, I had mild GI symptoms, twinges of discomfort, mildly loose bowels. Today GI symptoms a more medium than mild, frequent toilet visits but not full-blown diarrhea. I've felt so much better the last 2 days (Day 2 and 3 of Paxlovid). Slept well both nights. No fever. Much less congested. Only a slight headache (could be from stressful work issues.) mildly fatigued but nothing like it was. Much clearer-headed. Is it due to Paxlovid? Was I on the mend anyway? I guess there's no way to tell. I was starting to feel a bit better, because of no fever, before I started taking it. So I rated Paxlovid "fair." But, I would take it again, if needed, to reduce the worry of comorbidity causing a bad outcome. Haven't taken another test yet. If I test neg, will symptoms and a pos test return? That's my biggest dread now. Will update.Read More Read Less

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JenMarie | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.7
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I am fully vaccinated and boosted. I had a sore throat and took a test and tested positive the next day my doctor put me on Paxlovid. Had another tough 24 hours but then most of the symptoms totally went away. The metallic taste in my mouth has been continuous and annoying but I can live with it. Today is day five and the diarrhea just started. Praying that will go away soon along with the bad taste in my mouth. Very small price to pay considering the alternatives of Covid. I am 65.

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Raymund | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.7
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I had a mild symptoms of Covid .feel relieved after first day .issue with my stomach acid and bad medicine taste in my mouth .relieve by eating some foods and gargle all the time with mouthwash.

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PW | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.3
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Started taking one day after testing positive. 2 x pfizer vaccinated plus 1 booster. Aged 68 good health. Fever plus very sore throat gone after 4 days, still some coughing. Bad taste only side effect. May have not needed, but good insurance, and too late to take if you wait until get very sick. First time caught covid.

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Jo | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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I am a 62 year old fully vaxxed and boosted female who tested positive for Covid. Started Paxlovid on 2nd day of positive test. Medication was very helpful except for bitterness in mouth which would start about 2 hours after taking. I had no other side effects and felt better after 2 days. Was able to tough it out for the 5 days.

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JennK_NY | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 5.0
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Wow, I was kinda shocked by the taste of the Paxlovid. Not when I take it, but I took a swig of tea about 30 minutes after I took it and it tasted like I was drinking soap! ?? Seriously, I have been lucky so far. Tested positive on Friday, did online UC appt and started Paxlovid Saturday AM. Between a Zyrtec and the Paxlovid I am good except that for about 2 hours after I take it anything I drink taste like soap! I'll just consider that to be my punishment for having a potty mouth for all these years and hope that this Paxlovid keeps me from getting worse or from getting long covid. I am Vaxx+1xboosted w/Moderna and only tested due to a positive contact and new cold symptoms. Cold symptoms subsided within hours of taking allergy pill+Paxlovid.Read More Read Less

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HSS | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.3
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I’m a 58yo generally healthy female and take no medication other than occasional Tylenol or Benadryl. I had Covid in February 2020. I’ve since had two Pfizer vaccinations, one Pfizer booster and one Moderna booster. Generally pretty careful about Covid protocols in public but let down my guard earlier this month and tested positive on Monday. Felt horrible - headache, body aches, runny nose, sore throat, light sensitivity, dripping sweat then chills, dry hack. My history of colds turning into severe bronchitis worried me so I asked my doctor about Paxlovid. She prescribed and I started a 5-day treatment Monday night. I do think that the medication helped reduce the severity of the symptoms fairly quickly though I still have a bad headache, nasty cough and haven’t slept well all week. I didn’t lose my sense of smell. The acrid taste in my mouth has been awful awful awful. It’s been about 24 hours since my final dose and the nasty taste still is noticeable though improving. I understand the importance of going through the entire course of the prescription but it was tough. My prescription was only five days and I see that others have been on it much longer - months or years? So sorry for those who have to endure that. If I have to be on this again I would hope to have better coping mechanisms for the terrible taste and restlessness.Read More Read Less

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JLouise | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.7
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Covid symptoms almost completely gone on the 2nd day. The horrible taste this medicine leaves in your mouth is not exaggerated. Nothing I tried helped until my mother suggested Quesy Drops that she used while going through chemo. Relief!!

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Linda | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.7
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I am fully vaccinated with Moderna plus 2 booster shots . As of day #2, I could feel myself getting sicker by the hour - laryngitis, sore throat, swollen glands, sinus infection, drainage and cough plus fever and aches. I was diagnosed Paxlovid after a telemedicine call with my Dr. due to immune compromised concerns from other med conditions and started taking it on Day 3. This was a total game changer — I felt almost 80% better in only 24 hours! The “metallic taste” started almost immediately, but I just brushed my teeth and tongue frequently, used chewing gum to mask the taste during the day and then put a cherry throat lozenge in my mouth at bedtime. The taste was far easier than the alternative of developing full Covid. I also experienced serious diarrhea on day 3, 4 and 5, but again, a lesser symptom than the illness! I strongly recommend anyone to use this!! Read More Read Less

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55 year old | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 1.3
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An hour and a half after first dose the vile taste in mouth is beyond description. Effecting my nose/smell as well. Those two components are making me nauseous. Can’t even sleep. I will work through COVID’s flu symptoms over this. Repulsive!

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horseradish | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 5.0
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This is working great for me! I've only had four doses out of 10 but I feel tremendously better. Fever is gone, coughing greatly reduced, throat not hurting. I still feel wrung out and like I have a cold, but that is sooo much better than I felt two days ago when I started taking this. Honestly I would have hardly noticed the metallic taste if I hadn't read about it here. When I think about it I can taste it, but I certainly don't feel like I "ate sheet metal"! Sorry for those who do. Also it has only caused a bit of GI discomfort. Overall very impressive. I'm vaccinated and had one booster, generally healthy. Read More Read Less

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Joann | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 3.7
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It would have been nice to be warned about the explosive diarrhea. But I took Imodium right away and got it under control. The metallic taste in my mouth is bad. I kept brushing my teeth and tongue, thought I had thrush. I am just beginning day 4 and feel pretty good. COVID symptoms have calmed down a lot. Mild headache, dizzy, and weak as a newborn kitten. Congestion gone. Make sure you eat something with these pills it helps. Salty chips or sour foods help too. Haven't gotten a yeast infection from them but I am warned. Time will tell if these pills are worth taking with their awful mouth side effects. Read More Read Less

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Victoria R | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I tested positive for COVID three days ago and my doctor prescribes paxlovid. I don’t really know if it’s helped or not, I think I’m a tad better but the diarrhea and the horrible taste in my mouth is almost unbearable. I bought some sugar free Jolly Ranchers hard candy and they do help a bit to relieve the taste in my mouth which makes me gag. I’m tempted to stop taking it. It woke me up last night and I was dry heaving from the taste in my mouth. I’m trying really hard to continue the medication. We will see. This is really hard and I can not really fairly review it because I’m miserable and don’t know if it’s helping me.Read More Read Less

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kitty | 75 or over | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 3.7
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I took paxlovid on the third day of illness. Like others the bitter taste was horrible. For me the worst art was debilitation anxiety in the evening. on day 10 ALL my sx came back ten fold. I had hypoxia and needed oxygen. It has new been 8 days of recurrence and I finally feel better tonight. Not sure I would use paxlovid again.

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trell | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 3.7
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Took Plaxlovid on Day 2, after a positive PCR test at CVS. I am a teacher and this is my first time getting COVID. Plaxlovid's bitterness factor is an issue and I have found a way to neutralize. I would not be able to stay on it if I did not figure out a way to neutralize the bitterness. This is my process: I take all three pills with a big spoon of Chobani Greek yogurt (I actually put the pills inside the big spoon of yogurt). Doing this helps it go down your esophagus real good and it takes the bitterness a little longer to start. Once the bitterness starts I take a spoon of peanut butter, and it works to neutralize it ( I try to swallow the peanut butter without chewing it too much, however, it is so thick you have to loosen it up a little before swallowing). Greek yogurt takes it down your throat good and the peanut butter neutralizes the bitterness. If it tries to return take another spoonful of peanut butter and Crangrape juice helps neutralize it as well. I have two more days and I can tolerate the pill now. I have no COVID symptoms at this time.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 5.0
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I believe this medication kept me from being admitted to the hospital. It drastically calmed my severe coughing. I am on my last day of this treatment (6th day since testing positive) and feel so much better.

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Kristin | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 5.0
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I am 49 and have a history of PE. Was prescribed Paxlovid as soon as I tested positive. Ran fever and felt crappy for one day and night. After first day of Pax I felt fine. Yes, terrible taste. Worth it imo. Also crazy diarrhea from it and the covid was heinous. I believe this kept me out of the hospital and kept my symptoms minimal. Highly recommend.

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mj | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: experimental treatment for COVID-19
Overall rating 4.0
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I came down with covid and got this on day 3. I had a horrible sore throat and cough. Fever, a headache and water even tasted horrible. I took this in the evening and then again the next morning by the afternoon I felt so much better. Then I have taken it twice more. But, the diarrhea has been horrible that I feel I can't continue. My insides are on fire. I also have the bitter taste which is nasty, I could work through that. Not the diarrhea, not 3 more days of that intensity. I have to stop the drug. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

fully vaxxed and boosted. tested positive for Covid, minor symptoms, thought it was just my allergies. My doctor prescribed Paxlovid, which I have just finished the five day dose. The metallic taste and severe acid reflux is a real thing. Did not lose sense of smell or appetite, but the bad taste left anything I ate horrible. but it's much better than being on a ventilator.

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