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3.6 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

17 People found this comment helpful

Well, I'm not pregnant, I lost 12 pounds, my skin looks so much better, increased sex drive, and lighter periods. Seriously, the best bc I've ever been on.

Most voted negative review

6 People found this comment helpful

i started birth control when i was 15 it was supposed to help my cramps. at 16 i ended up with numerous blood clots in my legs lungs and in my arms, my family and was told to come and say goodbye to me because i only had a ten percent chance to live. thankfully i mad it but being 16 and hearing this is probably the end of your life was so hard.

Shared reviews and ratings

Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I have been taking Apri for about 10 years. The only other bc I have taken was Desogen, the non-generic equivalent. I am very satisfied with Apri. My periods are only 4-5 days and I never have cramping or other symptoms. I have not gotten pregnant. I am not always the best at remembering to take the pill, but I have never had to throw the pack out. I also like to have the option of skipping a month of period when having it would be extremely inconvenient (I backwoods camp).

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Dazed and Confused | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I have been taking Apri for about a month now. I switched after 8 or 9 months of taking Generess Fe because I had constant spotting, yeast infections, and depression. I am not at all satisfied with Apri. The spotting didn't stop, and I got acne. After taking the sugar pills, I am having the worst period I have ever experienced in my life. Heavy and extremely painful. Not to mention that I read other reviews about blood clots and pulmonary embolisms, and I now have a numb toe. Scary! I am getting tests done and getting off this pill ASAP! The only positive thing I can say about Apri is that I'm not pregnant. Read More Read Less

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okimmel94 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

This pill is doing what I need it to do, even though I just started the pill this month. Although, this may just be a short term side effect, but for me it has caused terrible Restless Leg Syndrome. The symptoms usually occur at night or when I am relaxing.

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

This pill definitely did what its supposed to do, prevent pregnancy. However, before I was on it, I had very light, short periods. Now, I have long, very, very heavy periods. I have switched to NuvaRing, which is a lower dose of progestin.

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jessnp | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Apri is now the seventh pill I've been on in the past 5 years. Took Yaz for about 2 years for my acne and it was great until I started to get breakthrough bleeding every month. My issue with most bc's are the headaches that accompany it. My obgyn put me on apri and I'm now on my 3rd week. No headaches but now my acne has flared up, I'm horribly bloated (I eat healthy and go to the gym 4x a week), horrible nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, weird rash on my lower legs and insomnia. I'm calling my obgyn once I finish the pack to get on something else. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I took Apri for six years (age 14-20) with no complications or side effects. I naturally have a heavy and painful 7-day cycle and Apri (monthly) reduced my period to 3-5 days. After three years on Apri my periods started to get heavier and cramps worsened so I started a 4-pack cycle (take placebo pills after 4 packs). This resolved the problem for about two years, at which time I switched to a higher dose BC pill. I am happy with my experience though. I first taking Apri to lessen the severity of my period because it did not conflict with several antidepressant/anti anxiety medications (including Cymbalta). It continued to work well after I came off those medications. I attribute my worsening periods to my age and family history - I started Apri young and my mother suffers from a terrible cycle as well. All in all I have only positive things to say - in my 6 years on Apri never had a pregnancy scare and never experienced any side effects.Read More Read Less

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goose | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Taking Apri to stop my periods. It did, after 4 months. I have depression. I have no sex drive. I'm anxious and fatigued and moody all the time. I have no control over my emotions. But I have to stop my periods so I'm stuck.

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KelleyKat73 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Disease of Ovaries with Cysts
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am 40 yrs. old, diagnosed w/Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I have had less pain during Menstruation & it's lasted less days. I had breakouts but now my face is completely clear & perfect! I have lost weight while on this medication as well. I couldn't be happier with this birth control. I have also had an increase sex drive.

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molie | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I'm taking Apri since 1 1/2 year and I never had any problems with it! before taking the pill my periods were very painful and i was bleeding for a week and a half, now it's only for 4-5 days and almost no pain/cramps

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JennChak | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I took Apri for five years and never had any problems with it. I went off of it for three months and on the dot I was pregnant with my first child- no complications. It never made me sick, hormonal or anything.

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oliviagibson | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

PLEASE do not take Apri. I am 21, and I have been on a few different pills, but my doctor switched me to Apri to help with my hormonal imbalance since it was such a 'low dose pill' and I don't normally take any sort of medication. Three months later I was in the hospital for PE. I had developed a massive clot in my right lung, a submassive clot in my left lung, along with NUMEROUS other tiny clots all around in my lungs. I have NO FAMILY HISTORY of clotting AT ALL, I don't smoke, do drugs, and I have always been very healthy. My doctors are convinced I was hospitalized from Apri. Save your life, take a different pill. After research, all Apri cases deal with developing DVT and TWO PE's!Read More Read Less

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ScienceGal4 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

I took Apri for 5 months. The first month I took it, I had a lot of side effects - wild mood swings, breast pain, spottiness with blood, abdominal cramps, nausea, etc. It also gave me acne. After about 3 months, it evened out. On the plus side, it completely took away my painful periods (which were excruciating before Apri). Also, it took away my intense PMS symptoms. The reason I stopped taking it after 5 months was that it was making me extremely anxious and paranoid, and it basically eliminated my libido. It was difficult to get aroused and difficult to orgasm. As soon as I stopped taking it, I immediately began to feel better and more like myself, and my libido is coming back. Also, the anxiety is now gone. Overall, it protected me against pregnancy and made my periods and PMS better, but it wasn't worth it to me when it came to the other side effects.Read More Read Less

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LoMary | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Well, I'm not pregnant, I lost 12 pounds, my skin looks so much better, increased sex drive, and lighter periods. Seriously, the best bc I've ever been on.

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shohl89 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I first started Apri when i was 14 or so and it worked great - i was on it until about 21 or so. So i was on it a long time with great results, no acne, no weight gain, good sex drive, peachy. I went back on the pill about 3 years ago now. Since, I have been having frequent trips to the bathroom, painful sex, etc and was diagnosed with endometriosis after surgery finally. I just recently started taking only the active pills to control the Endometriosis. For the past 8 months at least I have been struggling with severe depression, severe anxiety, weight gain and sever hunger, moodiness, complete lack of sex drive, and some acne. I dont know how much of it has to do with the endo, and how much is the Apri. BUt since seeing other reviews, I know that my body no longer tolerates this medicine like it used to and is likely the cause of all these horrible symptoms. Ive been wondering why i have no desire to have sex, at all, ever. I thought it was post-surgery blues. Never will take Apri again and doubt I'll take a birth control at all even though it is recommended to keep the Endo away. Id rather just deal with it and let my body handle it. I dont know if the endo came about on the break from the meds, or because of the meds for so long. Im not taking my dose tonight, i am DONE!Read More Read Less

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kkaass | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Never had any issues. Started taking this when I was 16 (now 23 yrs old) because of another medication I was on (I had to be on two forms on birth control because of the birth defects that the OTHER medication caused). Does what it's supposed to do... Haven't gotten pregnant, helps with the cramps and heaviness of my periods, I take it every morning when I wake up, and no side effects. No complaints here.

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Seattle,WA | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

My daughter just got out of the hospital for treatment of a pulmonary embolism. Her life will be changed for ever and she is only 20. I have heard so many horror stories and they all are similar. Thank god she didn't have a stroke or die. She is very lucky. I had no idea how risky this pill was. She will never be on birth control again.

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h0plessl0ve13 | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

i started birth control when i was 15 it was supposed to help my cramps. at 16 i ended up with numerous blood clots in my legs lungs and in my arms, my family and was told to come and say goodbye to me because i only had a ten percent chance to live. thankfully i mad it but being 16 and hearing this is probably the end of your life was so hard.

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Chelsea | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have been on Apri, with my previous pill being Desogen. While Apri did have initial hormonal changes (fuller/tender breasts, heavier cramps), after use past the first few months my body has no negative effects. While yes, my breasts do get a little more sore from time to time, I've never spotted and NEVER had a pregnancy, the latter being the real point of the prescription in the first place.

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I cannot wait to be done with Apri!! After reading all the reviews I am thoroughly convinced that I need to switch meds. I have had to schedule taking the pill before bed because it instantly makes me sick to my stomach after taking it. For the first 2 months I was almost positive it was morning sickness, that's how bad the nausea is. My breasts are MUCH fuller to the point of being in pain. I have absolutely NO sex drive. I have had to work out twice as hard to stay in shape, and the breakouts are out of control! I have NEVER had so much as a small blemish my whole life, but this pill has me with 3-4 constant blemishes. Horrible mood swings, and frequent migraines. Read More Read Less

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APRI | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

My 16 year old daughter was on it for a month and half before she got a PE and died from it. Please DO NOT go on any pill without demanding a blood test to see if you have a blood clot disorder. Doctors do not tell you about it cause the insurance companies do not cover it. Do not put your life or your childs life at risk

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