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After struggling with Heroin addiction, prison, relapses and parole violations which destroyed over a decade of my life I went on suboxum 5 years ago to help me stay out of prison and get my life together. Over the past 5 years I have tried to taper off of the suboxum several times without any success. Three months ago I recieved my first 100mg sublacade shot in place of the 12mg of suboxum I ha...

Most voted negative review

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First, I’m gonna suggest that the top 5 star review was written and submitted by the Pharm Rep who sells this medication. The vernacular is straight out of a talking point, “leave behind” marketing piece. I received my first shot in February and it was a roller coaster until I finally surrendered and went back to the Sub Film Strips for this month. So I had 5 injections, plenty of time to be s...

Shared reviews and ratings

Mondo Cane | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I really REALLY wanted this to work. I tried to stay away from the internet/reading reviews because I wanted my experience to be unbiased. I wasn't able to completely stay away as I looked up the medicine on another informational RX site I stumbled across some very positive reviews (which actually only helped in confirming my decision). I felt great about my choice to go on Sublocade. I didn't research it anymore past that... My doc works at a teaching hospital so I really believe she had no ulterior motive/compensation other than to help me get off my meds (I have made that a clear goal). After being on Suboxone for a VERY long time and fluctuating between 16 and 24mg a day for around 13-14 years now, I got my first 300mg shot. People are right though, it HURTS. I have tattoos all over my body and I can handle this type of pain pretty well but holy smokes did this hurt. It sent very sharp, stinging pains throughout my abdomen for about 30-45 mins and then the sharp pains/stinging just stopped. After that it felt sore/tender to the touch for a couple weeks - nothing I couldn't deal with. Day one I got home and felt pretty great. That night I started to feel "off" but just ignored it and figured it was psychological after not taking my Suboxone for the first time in over a decade. Then day 2 (36 hours no Suboxone) came the flu-like symptoms. Uncontrollable shivering, tearing eyes, feverish skin crawls, sweats, diarrhea, horrible depression and lack of motivation... Sound familiar? It wasn't as bad as what I remember as "full on withdrawal" but it was pretty darn close. I hadn't felt that way in close to 15 years and it was devastating. I had to make excuses with my kids (which I hate doing). I forgot how horrible withdrawal is. I investigated every single avenue I could trying to place blame on anything but the medicine... Was it a virus? The flu? An infection? COVID? I had a tooth pulled recently because and was prepping for an implant. I thought "maybe an infection went septic?" and got tons of bloodwork done - all came back normal. I watched my blood pressure go all over the charts the next few days. If I am being honest with myself, I knew it was the medicine... It was pretty obvious. I got my shot on a Wednesday and by Sunday I felt like I was dying. I called my doc's emergency line that Sunday night and thank goodness the on-call doc called me in some Suboxone. I'm lucky to have the care I do - my doctors actually believe me unlike for some of the people here... They didn't understand my symptoms from a purely scientific perspective but still believed me none-the-less. Anyway, after a dose or two of Suboxone I was back to feeling so so much better but still far from perfect. I feel like there is some chemical or interaction that's released within Sublocade that worsens the flu-like feelings lots of folks here are experiencing. Atrigel is a biodegradable polymer and hasn't had a ton of research done on it and Sublocade itself was rushed to market. After about two weeks of taking my normal 24mg Suboxone dose I was back to feeling normal again. I decided to try one more 300mg shot after a long discussion with my wife and doc. We had a backup plan this time (which included compensating with Suboxone if needed). The second shot was unfortunately the same. After 24 hours I started to feel withdrawal and right back on Suboxone I went... I really feel like the translation of the buprenorphine amount is either wrong or the slow atrigel absorption rates aren't enough for those who have been on Suboxone long-term. The literature says a patient doesn't absorb as much Suboxone sublingually as you do with the injection but after 15 years I've perfected how I take Suboxone. At 24mg/day that's 720mg a month. How can 300mg=720mg? Also keep in mind that 300mg is designed to disperse well over 30 days. After discontinuing Sublocade it's been reported that buprenorphine can still be found in the blooRead More Read Less

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Bill | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 4.7
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I was on sublucade for 4 months,2 300 then 2 100 m.g. I was on suboxone for over 10 years and had massive withdraws everytime I tried to quit.i was on pain pills for appox 10 years prior to this.i. aught covid and couldn't get 5th shot and called to schedule later.i notice I wasn't withdrawing so I never went back to get the 5th going on 6 months and still haven't no withdraws to speak of.

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Izziemarie163 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
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I felt great all month until about day 31..then my appetite goes..and i literally cant keep any food i do eat down..but for the 30 other days i feel great.

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Sublocade | 19-24 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 1.0
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The sublocade shot is so much worse. DONT DO IT!!! ITS HORRIBLE!!!

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You can do it! | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 4.0
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Addicted to 120 mg/day morphine for 12 years after spinal fusion. Tolerance made me misuse (and my brain). Sublocade strips for 7 months, then shots for 4 and I stopped the shots cold turkey. I didn't get physically ill, but my brain was muffed up for 2 weeks until I stabilized. Over 1 year opiod free now. Bear in mind that the shots stay in your bloodstream for up to 2 years.

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Stacey Parent | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 5.0
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I hated going daily to the pharmacy to get my suboxone. Such a far ride for me since iam out in the country. They treat you like a pos which then I’d use coke more and get my Carrie’s took away. My Dr. Suggested Sublocade, once a month. Yes the shots feels like a bee sting but goes away by the time you get to your car. I get the head Dr to give my shots bcuz the other dr which was new she took too long and I’d be screaming plus she never got it in my shirt n pants soaked after then I started hot flashes a few weeks down the road. Went back to head dr and he does it right. No problems. It does feel like a little pebble is stuck in my abdomen. It does fade away it’s just the medicine. Does not bother me at all. My last shot 100mg is almost done. I been clean from fentanyl 6mo. I came here to see if ppl have withdrawals off it? How do I get off now? I thought I’d post since I read others problems. Try to ask for an expierenced dr and not a new one. Would be my advice to you all. Read More Read Less

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Momma39 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 2.7
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I am 39 years old and have been on suboxone since 2008 for pain pill addiction. I was on 24mg/day since day 1 and was functional on this dose and didn't have to worry about pain or cravings! I switched to the sublocade shot after I had some pills stolen which led to jail time for me. I thought this would be better atleast until I was finished with probation from drug court. Which I successfully completed by the way!! I figured of the shot didn't work then I would just switch back no big deal right? Wrong! After my 2nd shot I went sobbing into my doctor and told her I wanted to switch back. She told me I would have to switch doctor's and that my symptoms were probably psychological!! I went in with a very positive attitude when I first received the shot and every month after for over 2 years!!! I was convinced that I had to deal with all of these horrible symptoms I had and not to mention the depression was so much worse I didn't even want to wake up half the time!! I was constantly hot and sweaty, never slept, moody, agitated, craved pills more than ever and always constipated! I'm leaving out so much of my story bc I don't know how long I can make this review. Long story short....EVERYONE IS Different!! Every single person reacts to medication differently. This is a fact and not one person should be made to feel badly because of it!! I felt hopeless this whole time! Every month I complained to my counselor hoping she would talk to my doctor and save me from the hell I was living but she didn't! About 2 weeks ago I had my last appointment with my counselor due to her switching jobs and it wasn't until that day that she took me seriously and immediately sent an email to the head doctor of the office! Mt doctor all of a sudden "cared" about my recovery and let me switch back to suboxone. I am going on day 2 of being back on suboxone and even though she only prescribed 1-8mg/day, I already feel 1000% better!!!! The shot destroyed over 2 years of my life that I will never get back. My doctor should have listened and took me more serious to begin with. Honestly, there is not one thing I can do or say to undo the damage my doctor, her nurse, and the shot put me through. I know the shot will work great for some but for other's please speak up and don't let your doctor make you think there is something else wrong with you if you feel bad!! Thanks for reading and best of luck!! Read More Read Less

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Leadros | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 2.0
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I kept on hearing about how awesome this was from both addicts and medical staff. Normally I am fine with change and it is better than taking a pill every day or so I thought. It does hurt for the first few days but it did not work. It did not calm my cravings and it seems to keep me in a mild withdrawal for over a week now. I wish that I never changed from the pills and it's only a mild withdrawal but it just won't go away and ofcourse no one cares

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Keegan | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 5.0
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I have been on sublocade for going on w years now and I love it! I have felt great and got my life back. No more worrying when I need to take a pill or sub film. Once a month I get a shot and other than that half hour a month I can forget that I'm an addict! I highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about getting clean!

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Michelle Crich | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 5.0
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I was on Suboxone for 3 years and at the suggestion of the doctor I decided to try the sublocade which now I'm on my second month. My next shot will be a lesser dose and I'm hoping to be completely off at that point. It's been a really good experience & I'm finally getting back to normal and it feels great!!

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Melissa r | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I have been a addict most of my life. Struggling forever it seems to get sober n stay sober. They keep saying well I did it u can too. Well I've been sober on subutex well kinda sober I was shooting it. But for 8 years then I tried whinging myself and ended up back on her room cuz I said why withdrawal for 6 months w suboxone when I can do 3 days w Harrison everyones dream right? No never ends like that so again was off the wagon for another 5 plus years when I found myself unable to swallow, breathe, couldnt see. I found myself in a hospital and next thing I know 3 and a half weeks later woke up on a wound vac w 2 big holes in my belly and wasnt a happy camper. They took me off the ventilator and put me on a cpap machine said I had gotten wound botulism from dirty needles it didn't make since. I didnt use or reuse needles. Anyway they let me go way to early so as I struggled to learn to breathe again and build my strength I went to a treatment place cuz I was scared of relapsing and dying again. Well they mentioned the sublicade shot it sounded like a dream drug. So they started me on 300 mg for 2 months then to 100 mg. Everythg was ok until I went to get my second 100 mg shot and about 2nd week into it I started to feel like I was withdrawing I called them and by that evening they called me in strips to get me through til my next shot. But that was becuz I had to get firm with them and said I even tested myself for covid cuz I wasnt sure if maybe it was the flu but I had also askex my buddy for a piece of his strip and instantly I felt better. So anyways they said they would take me back up to 300 mg. So when I went in for my shot. The nurse preped me and stuck it in my upper left belly and instantly I knew somethg was wrong. It was burning way more than usual. She kept saying man this stuff is thick u ok. I said will u hurry cuz I'm about to flip out its hurting way more than normal. Well needless to say she didnt put deep enough so I had to goto er and they gave me antibiotics. And I know ive lost alot of medication and it hurts like hell. Read More Read Less

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Anthony | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

ATTN: This post is in response to WebMD member "Sean" who posted on page 3 (2019) i believe. Aside from Sean, I'm sure many of you are either perplexed or even intrigued by these reviews mentioning miracle-like discontinuation of Buprenorphine (Suboxone/Sublocade) with little to NO withdrawal symptoms. Alongside polar-opposite reviews mentioning terrible induction withdrawals, particularly on day 4 i'm noticing. Well, I believe I just might have the answer to both of these questions. Everything i'm stating below is nothing more than theoretical. I am not a Licensed MD or Doctor. Having been on Suboxone for more years than I care to admit, I share these theories with you as a fellow addict familiar with all the "ins-and-outs" of opiates and their processes. This is nothing more than my personal opinion and should not be utilized as medical advice. Has anyone ever noticed when you are trying to quit any opiate, the withdrawals we are all too familiar with make it an impossibility to get more than 5 minutes of poor quality sleep at any given time? With every opiate withdrawal symptom on the COWS scale happening to you, this is far too taxing on the body. Add to the fact that your brain/body can never make it to Stage 2 in the sleep cycle (REM Sleep) at around 15mins after falling asleep. Its NO WONDER the body has a hard time coping and recovering! When our body's most basic of recovery method is no longer taking place as it should Night after night after night, the agonizing withdrawal process feels like "No Light at the end of the tunnel". I'm just recovering from COVID-19 and I think its fair to say the same be said for viruses. When does the cut become a scab? When does the brain healing take place? I believe all the magic of healing takes place during sleep. Having said that, when going through opiate withdrawal I personally have taken notice that if I'm lucky enough to fall asleep, I truly feel SO MUCH BETTER! Particularly if it was a deep, All Stages FULL SLEEP CYCLE (90mins). The more the merrier, the more time & sleep cycles you get to heal your brain and the faster the healing. I HYPOTHESIZE THAT SLEEP IS ESSENTIAL TO THIS AND TO YOUR PHYSIOLOGICAL RECOVERY! When we take our daily dose of sublingual suboxone, subutex, etc. That single 8mg dose in the morning causes our buprenorphine blood level to RISE & FALL throughout the days in which we live. There is no consistency there; sure maybe daily consistency. But if we're to take a closer look at the amounts of buprenorphine is actually running through our Cardiovascular system and at what levels are crossing the BBB (Blood Brain Barrier) it is ever fluctuating. An example: (Given that the average half-life of Buprenorphine is approximately 36hours) DAY 1: 8mg @ 9:00am (Blood levels spike to 8mg at 10am and gradually decrease with time) DAY 2: 8mg @ 9:00am (By 9am Day 2, your body has yet to eliminate/urinate even 1/2 of the dose from yesterday morning. I'd estimate 5mg still running through you at 9am on day 2. By adding the next 8mg dose at 9am sharp, by 10am we are easily at 12mg+ within circulation but steadily decrease with time.) DAY 3: 8mg @ 9:00am (By 9am Day 3, lets just say this persons metabolize speeds made it possible for blood levels to be at 7mg. Add to that your 8mg dose for the day & we're already at a whopping 15mg. As you can see, this process will continue daily and ceaseless INCREASES and DECREASES of buprenorphine only further confuse our brain chemistry. This is FAR from what biologists call "Homeostasis". In other words, "The body in balanced Read More Read Less

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HAPPYBOY.1 | 19-24 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 1.0
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For starters, I would like to say that I was forcedly given a subclade shot that I am pretty sure that you are already aware of. If not, the subclade shot is used to help patients to get off of their addiction. My addiction was Percocet's, and I was trying to stop using them, so I started to go to a place called Tower Health Medical Group and it was there, where I was given the suboxone strips to start out with, which is supposed to be the same as the shot, but the only difference is that the strips are used daily by placing it inside the mouth. They had me on this for almost a year now. But as of lately, the doctor kept insisting that I’d be on the shot instead. I Kept telling them that I did not want the shot but it got to the point to where they told me that they would not continue to treat me unless I had taken the shot. So, I figured that I Would just give it a try. I was given the shot by a nurse, when only a licensed doctor is allowed to perform the procedure. My very first week of the shot, I noticed a change in my breathing, so thank God I immediately scheduled an appointment with my family doctor. By the 3rd week of the shot, I woke up one morning, suffering as I noticed that my breathing became worse. I had two episodes, that I never experienced in my life and it caused for me to call the ambulance. The same day I was treated at the reading hospital, where they diagnosed me with anxiety attack. I was released the same day but I noticed that it got worse so I was back the very next day. Once again, they diagnosed me with anxiety and they sent me on my way. Luckily for me I had an appointment scheduled with my family doctor who took noticed right away that I was suffering from heart failure. She immediately insisted that I’d be rush to the reading hospital, where she made sure to have the doctors perform certain test, that now made them aware of my situation. Therefore, I was kept overnight, but the episodes that I was suffering from would not stop. All throughout the night I found myself unable to breathe normal and s many times as I called a nurse for help, I was only being ignored and mistreated. It got to the point where I just knew that I had to find another hospital, so I signed myself out and I got a ride to the nearest hospital which was St. Josephs but even there, things didn’t go as planned. I continued to have these episodes and before I knew it, I found myself signing out, only to go to Hershey medical center. Where they did blood work and decided to not keep me overnight. Instead, I was discharged and told to follow up with my family doctor immediately. Once I did just that, my family doctor suggested that I get the proper treatment in the St. Joseph's hospital, where I would have surgery done and spend the next 3 days. After the doctors felt like I had enough treatment, I was given a life jacket that I now have to keep on me at all times. Read More Read Less

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Riley | 25-34 | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 5.0
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It hurts, but the pain is worth it. I saved 8 suboxone pills before I started the shot bc I was worried about it working... I‘ve had 3 shots and haven’t needed to take any extra subs. I saved 7 pills and I still have 5.5 of those. I thought I was sick a few times and took a piece but it turned out to do nothing so it wasn’t anything buprenorphine related that was making me sick. If you want off suboxone & you’re truly ready to stop taking something everyday, give it a try! I am so happy that I tried it it’s worked so well for me. It’s been 10 weeks since my last shot and I still feel great! Shot does have side effects like nausea but I spread my shots out and that helped bc it’s too much bupe that will make you nauseas. I have another shot at doctors office but I think I’m done ! I keep making my appointment a month later. So far so good! I recommend this shot to you if you want off bupe!Read More Read Less

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Rome | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 5.0
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Just got the shot yesterday, got lidocaine shot first and felt nothing. Have been feeling so good and steady, hoping it will b like this the whole time

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SirHolsteiner | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

Don't want to be one of those whining weirdoes on a pharma board, but I really have to warn people about this. Had been taking 16mg/daily Suboxone for a few years. With Sublocade got full blown withdrawals starting day 6. As in it was just about as bad as when I went cold-turkey. Agitation, craving, insomnia, pacing, sweating, melancholia, RLS, the works. Relapsed on alcohol (after 2.5 years) and came extremely with opiates. On day 11 now and just got 7 x 8mg Suboxone from the Dr to cover WDs but I have this overwhelming feeling of being trapped. I SIMPLY want to go back on Suboxone but the Dr is pushing for another injection instead. It's as if I have been tricked into a rapid WD and the Suboxone door slammed behind me. Before getting the rescue bupe today I came close to cutting the Sublocade out myself with a razor, that's the level of anxiety it has given me! I'm just hoping I can be forceful enough at my next appointment and get back on Suboxone, or else relapse is just about guaranteed. As others have pointed out, there seems to be a real zealotry associated with Sublocade, to the point where the Dr becomes almost a salesman. There were many aspects I was flatout misled about. '300mg Sublocade will easily cover 16mg/daily Suboxone' = Not even remotely close. If I had to estimate I would say it was ~80%+ decrease. 'If anything goes wrong we easily remove it and get you straight back on Suboxone' = False. Saving some other threat to health, you're stuck with it. Everything I feared would go wrong did, plus more, and one month (minimum, who knows when I can get back to before) is a longgg time to be stuck like this. Read More Read Less

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noor650 | 25-34 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 5.0
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was severely addicted to opiates. started off on oxy 30 mg(8-12 per day) ended up doing up to a gram of fentanyl powder/rock per day. suboxone wouldnâ??t do it for me. i was recommended Sublocade by a local clinic. said hey, can it get any worse? the withdrawals i had were killer. was addicted for 11 months in total. from the MINUTE i got my first sublocade shot, i felt relief. i instantly felt the cravings go away. my first time i had a clear mind where i wasnâ??t thinking of how to get my next fix. sublocade saved my life. iâ??m not sure why suboxone wasnâ??t working as well for me but i took sublocade february 2019 for my 1st month. once a month for 6 months. was recommended i continue on past 6 months, since my insurance had covered it anyway. i decided to take my last sublocade injection august of 2019. those 6 month, were surprisingly way easier than i thought itâ??d be. cravings before Sublocade: 10/10 cravings after 1st sublocade shot: 3/10 cravings 6 months later: 0/10. finally got my life back!! your doctor will let you know you must be clean 1 week prior to the sublocade injection, taking suboxone strips/pills those 7 days. but at LEAST clean off opiates 48 hours prior to your first sublocade injection. itâ??s definitely worth it! if i can do it, so can you. go get your life back Read More Read Less

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Shlea | 25-34 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 1.0
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I would like to warn anyone looking into the Sublocade Injection. I have been on Suboxone maintenance for 9 yrs and thought I was the perfect candidate for the shot. I received a 300mg shot and went through 9 days of misery! I thought at 1st I just needed time to adjust, I ended up in the ER with withdrawal, 148 heart rate, headaches, blurred vision, severe anxiety and even supplementing suboxone tabs didnt fix the issue. I ended up having the medicine surgically removed! The medicine mixed with the bupe that causes it to harden caused Necrosis, which means it killed my stomach tissue surrounding the injection causing my body not to absorb the medicine correctly! I experienced immediate relief after having it cut out! I was actually scared for my life at some points during having this injection, that I would hit the floor. It was very scary! Again, I am a long time user of Suboxone, never thought Id have a problem. Please do your research and be sure you want to try this. But know it can be easily taken out in an office visit if needed and you dont have to wait it out! Some people have done well, unfortunately I wasnt one of them. I will say if it works for you, being it is extended release, if you are on less then 8mg Subs per day you more then likely will experience a withdrawal period, but regardless monitor your symptoms closely, especially if you supplement tabs. Know the adverse reaction symptoms. Good Luck!Read More Read Less

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tigetoo | 35-44 | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 5.0
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I have been on Suboxone for 8 years at 2 8mg a day and have moved to the shot. I took the first 4 shots as normal 300/100/100/100 on the 30 day schedule. Then I moved to 45 days for the next shots. I took 2 at the 45 days and since have taken one at the 60 day mark. I am now at day 61 and feel great and have not scheduled my next shot. My plans are to walk away from this and the shot is helping me do that. I have had minimal to no withdrawal in the whole process. If you are taking the strips daily get the shot!!! if you want to quit get the shot!!! Read More Read Less

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Naeera | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 2.7
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So, just thought I would warn everyone who may be considering sublocade about my experience.. Everything had been going alright for the first 3 months of taking it, although I was still feeling a little sick in between doses. After receiving my 4th shot, everything at first seemed normal. But once I got home from my drs, I starting feeling this sharp, burning sensation at the injection site. When I took the bandaid off, I had this chemical burn looking wound where the shot was administered. Haven���¢��������t done the shot since because that burn turned into a nasty hole in my side! Just thought I���¢��������d let people know.. it���¢��������s finally healing, although I���¢��������ll have a disgusting scar for the rest of my life.. Read More Read Less

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