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Why I stopped taking this medicine: 1) didn't increase my sexual desires/thoughts 2) within 30-45 minutes of taking it, I would feel extremely drousy for the 1-2 weeks (lasted a few hours), to where I couldn't hardly function. If I was sitting I would fall asleep where I sat. Hubby would wake me up to go to bed and I would feel out of it like i was drunk (I never drank while on this and always t...

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L.C.. | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Disorder of Low Sexual Desire in Premenopausal Woman
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Why I stopped taking this medicine: 1) didn't increase my sexual desires/thoughts 2) within 30-45 minutes of taking it, I would feel extremely drousy for the 1-2 weeks (lasted a few hours), to where I couldn't hardly function. If I was sitting I would fall asleep where I sat. Hubby would wake me up to go to bed and I would feel out of it like i was drunk (I never drank while on this and always took it before bedtime) 3) While it acted like a sleeping pill for me shortly after I took it, I would always wake up between 4-5 hours after taking it and be up the rest of the night. This lasted the first 2-3 weeks. 4) the straw that broke the camels back is around week 3-4 I would get so upset/angry over the smallest issues, I felt more like the Hulk more than anything else.Read More Read Less

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