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Had it inserted one week ago. I recommend taking max Aleve dosage prior. I only took tylenol (which I think does a poor job). I was incredibly anxious so I held a nurses hand during procedure. Was not comfortable but wasn't the worst I've felt. Measuring the cervix was worse than insertuon for me. Focus on breathing to help your muscles relax.After a minute or two I was able sit up, walk and drive...

Most voted negative review

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I got the Liletta inserted about a month and a half ago. I am seriously considering having it removed. I was on the pill for 2 years and never had a problem except when my provider changed or if I would miss a day. The liletta was the most painful experience I have ever felt physically ( I have lots of piercings and several tattoos) I had always thought I had a high pain tolerance so I went into t...

Shared reviews and ratings

MM | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

I wanted to change methods after the birth of my daughter. My gynecologist placed me with Lilleta. I wanted Mirena which was not available. I got iud on 9 August after one week I got my period. And since I'm bleeding. 3 weeks now. I'm tired all the time , my blood pressure is high my appetite has increased.... I just want to remove but my doctor said to give a chance to my body to integrate the iud. next time I make an appointment I'll remove it. this is what I'm experiencing at the moment.

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Anonymous | 13-18 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I just got mine today and I’m 18. All of the people saying it’s the most painful thing wasn’t true for me. I didn’t even feel a thing and it was so easy! I def recommend doing it!

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Acdt83 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I have had 2 Mirena IUD’s so when my Dr said they switched to using Liletta and that it was the same as Mirena, I trusted that. This is NOT THE SAME. Maybe on paper it appears to be but something is severely wrong with this IUD. The insertion was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life (worse than Mirena by far, but also way worse than childbirth natural and c-section and gallstones). Now 5 months post insertion I am trying desperately to get an appointment to get it removed. I have mood swings that are so intense it makes me think I’m bipolar (I’m not). I feel RAGE. I have no sex drive which completely defeats the purpose of this IUD to begin with. I have cramps but haven’t had a single period (expected) but get all the symptoms and then some. I feel tricked, cheated, and my signature trait since having this placed - ANGRY, over having to get this instead of the Mirena which I always had a great experience with. Read More Read Less

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jax ob | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

I had Liletta inserted in July of 2023 and I just had mine removed yesterday. The insertion was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life. I felt faint, almost passed out, and had to lay on the table for 30 minutes afterwards before I could bring myself to stand up - took me another 30 minutes of sitting in my car to build the courage to drive myself home after I had been doubled over in pain. The cramping never stopped for all 8 months of me having it, everyday I was reminded that it was there by some sort of pain. I gained about 15 pounds (I think water retention) and the acne was unbelievable. I've always had a bit of hormonal acne around my mouth and chin, but the acne with this IUD was very different. At one point, I had SEVEN different cysts on my chin, three on my forehead, and acne all over my chest and back - this is something that has never ever been a problem for me, especially on my chest and back. I never really had a period with this IUD, there was some dark brown spotting a few times throughout the month, but I never fully bled. Regardless of the lack of period, I was still cramping to no end. A few weeks ago I decided to take the cramping concern to my OB/GYN because it was genuinely taking my breath away - come to find out, I have a 4cm ovarian cyst on my right ovary where most of my pain was. Turns out, this is one of the leading side effects of this IUD and I had no idea. I had bad periods prior to the IUD, but the pill caused horrible mood swings and the patch made me bleed, so the IUD was a last resort and it should be for you too. I will happily accept the brutal periods over the pain that this IUD caused me. Read More Read Less

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Sierra | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I just had liletta inserted yesterday. Insertion was horrible, I was told I would feel a bad cramp , had to endure it twice , once to measure cervix and 2nd to be inserted, I thought I was gonna pass out , I never have cried so hard and instantly like I did in a long long time. I took ibuprofen once leaving and after about 15 minutes I ended up throwing up. About 4 1/2 hours later(the ride home was miserable I was starving but was feeling to bad to want to eat) got home and with the use of a heating pad the cramps eased off later on. Then a few cramps would happen randomly. I took some pm medicine to help me sleep and with any pain & It’s the next morning I’ve noticed spotting but not to bad and just some very light cramping but not extreme . I hope I don’t have them a lot. But hopefully can make a new review in a month!Read More Read Less

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Anonymous |
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I have had 2 mirenas for about 12 yrs total with good effect of decreasing the heavy periods (I am on aspirin). I removed the last mirena to see what period I would have since I am over 50. Heavy periods restarted. Liletta is what my office was using at the time. I have had the Liletta for almost 2 yrs. My periods are every 21-25 days. For the last 6 months, I have had increased bleeding with the period (not the same as without IUD, but def more than the mirena). I had bloodwork and ultrasound done to check other causes of bleeding, no problems there. This last week, I started flow after 18 days from last period. Menopause cant come fast enough. Read More Read Less

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Olivia | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

So I went in expecting the worst, I watched lots of videos on peoples reaction the the insertion and was very scared. I am one of those people who thinks I have a high pain tolerance; tattoos, piercings, getting my blood drawn, ext. doesn’t phase me whatsoever but I saw people saying the same thing and almost passed out getting it inserted. Now of course the insertion wasn’t the most comfortable but my max pain rating would be maybe a 5. The most pain I had during it I would compare to just a bad period cramp. But obviously the experience is different for everyone. It’s worked how it needs to and I’d say the only noticeable change is my periods. They’re not irregular in timing but some periods are WAY heavier than others, but that’s nothing I can’t manage. I would recommend if you’re someone who doesn’t think they could keep up with the pill honestly. Read More Read Less

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Rose M | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I used to have crazy hormone issues with bleeding 3 weeks/month and 1 week/month of off time. I tried alot of different birth control from different hormonal pills (caused alot of bad side effects), nuvaring (no side effect but inconvenient) and finally tried IUD. Since starting liletta (hurt for first 3 months) i have had 0 issues with mood swings, stopped menstruation bleeding and pain all together. I gain weight, on my chest too but im on healthy weight range at 22% body fat. Seemed to fixed alot of more problem fixing than introducing new problem. I had a great experience.Read More Read Less

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kouch | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I can't speak to the satisfaction or effectiveness because it did perforate and end up in my abdomen. For the few months it was in my body, I had extreme migraines with visual auras and very heavy bleeding and clots. Insertion was very painful. Upon the follow up, the strings could not be located so it was not used as birth control. I ended up having to have surgery to remove it from the area around my intestines. I would not recommend for women with abnormal uteruses or recently postpartum.

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T123 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Where to begin .. started looking around at IUD options because I am extremely fertile and have gotten pregnant multiple times from forgetting to take a pill every now and then. I was leaning towards the Paraguard but was worried bc I am anemic from blood loss from a miscarriage that I had a few months back and heard that one can cause heavy bleeding, so the doctors at the clinic convinced me to get this. Worst decision of my life. I told them that I get migraines and have EXTREME sensitivity to hormone changes a week before my period, but they assured me this IUD would help. Let me tell you, it absolutely did not help. I have only had it for a month and have felt like I’m having a panic attack every day for about 7 days now. My mood swings were horrific. I can’t leave the house or function without taking Xanax. I’m so dizzy, and I have chest pains. Now, I will say that I already have anxiety that I take medication for daily, but it is NOTHING like how I have been feeling. I also have been getting horrible shooting pains from my hip down my thigh to a little passed my knee since insertion. I literally Googled how to remove it at home and pulled it out myself two days ago because I couldn’t get in to the doctor soon enough. I still feel terrible, but the pain in my leg is gone for now. I hope the panic attacks and dizziness subside soon. If you have any slight bit of anxiety, don’t get this. I’d literally rather stop having sex than deal with this horrible IUD! Read More Read Less

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Jonas | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

So it’s only been 4 days since I got the liletta and I can say since the 1st day it’s been horrible. The insertion wasn’t that bad but 20mins after leaving the clinic I had very bad cramps. The 2nd day cramps and a bad headache. 3rd dizziness and horrible back pain. Now day 4 horrible back pain with intense cramps. I will be calling my doctor 1st thing in the am to get this removed.

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Emily | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I had this inserted in February 2021, and first off VERY PAINFUL, so much so that I was extremely nauseous it was so hard to drive because of it. I have noticed that I randomly get cramps or pain. My periods haven't been regular since the death of my mom and boyfriend in 2017, I do occasionally spot or bleed a little. Over the last year my acne has gotten so bad, I'm breaking out in places I've never broken out before. One thing tho is during sex when my boyfriend hits my wall or whatever,, it really hurts and can feel it.My weight hasn't been affected and haven't really noticed a difference or changes with anything else. I know everyones bodies react differently. I've never had an iud before and reading these reviews I'm really surprised there have been so many women who have had so many negative side effects. I have been on the patch, shot, and the pill. Overall it's not the worst birth control but I am definitely never getting another iud again I am definitely going back to the pill once it's time to take this out. Read More Read Less

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MamaY | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

After having my firstborn, I had the Mirena for in for 4yrs but removed it to have our 2nd baby. After my 2nd I had the Mirena again. I loved it. After years with it, it was time to get it replaced but my insurance stopped covering it so I was given Liletta. It has been almost 2.5 yrs & I hate the side effects. I haven't had a period in 1.5 yrs but I still get the horrible cramps every month. I have gained over 30lbs & have the worse mood swings. My sex drive decreased tremendously. I have had headaches that last for days & won't go away with meds. It does prevent pregnancy but side effects are ridiculous. I have scheduled my appt for removal. Do your research before choosing LILETTA.Read More Read Less

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12345 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I got the liletta inserted at 19 after not really liking the pill or the DEPO shot. (Didn't have bad side effects just wasn't convenient) I was nervous about it because the nurse told me that it would hurt since I hadn't had children. The insertion went just fine. The measuring hurt more that the insertion but all together it felt like a bad cramp. I helped to just breathe through it. Afterwards I felt a little weird but didn't really have much cramping. After that day I didn't have any issues with it. I loved it simply because I didn't have to worry about going to the pharmacy or the doctor. I had it for a little over a year and had to have the strings trimmed once. Overall it was fantastic for me but everyone is different. I recently had it removed to try for a baby.Read More Read Less

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audra_h | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I had the Mirena IUD for 8 years. Insertion was so painful I put off getting my IUD replaced. My doctor had to put me under to switch (Mirena to Liletta) and I still experienced intense pain (I have a high pain tolerance - covered in tattoos/piercings). I'm 31, no kids. I've had Liletta for 2 mo, & I REALLY want to go back to Mirena. My sex drive has decreased. My husband has to work extra hard to get me in the mood, and I can enjoy it sometimes, but in general sex feels like a chore. I've gained around 15 pounds (112 to 127ish), with the majority of that coming within the first couple weeks. I'm bloated, don't fit into my clothes, and struggle to get stretchy exercise clothes on. My fingers and feet swell. The BIGGEST/WORST side effect(s) are the MOOD SWINGS. I've always struggled w anxiety, but now there's so many ups/downs, I don't recognize myself. Crying all the time & emotional. LOW ENERGY. Acne is about the same (mild adult acne). One positive: prevents pregnancy.Read More Read Less

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CC0000 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I switched to this IUD due to concern over the pill not being as effective since I have digestive issues. My OB/GYN also recommended it to help with random spotting. The insertion was very painful and made me nauseous. I've had no children. The good thing is it wasn't long-lasting pain, for me. I stopped getting regular periods, but, I get a lot of spotting at random, at times, heavier than others. It did not help with my bleeding between periods, it actually made it worse. This is after the time it is supposed to stop. I'd rather have one week of bleeding and cramps every month than have more days than not of spotting. There are also random days of cramps/pain. My insurance covered the insertion free of charge, but, they want you to get an ultrasound to check it afterwards, which I was not told beforehand, and that was not fully covered, of course. I would not get this again. It might work well for others, but, it doesn't work for me. And, hearing about women still getting pregnant despite the claim it's basically impossible also puts me off. Wasn't worth it.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

So liletta has been an absolute nightmare. After having two children I picked an iud for my first birth control ever. The insertion was terrible, I bled for about a month after. Now a year and a half later it’s horrible. The cramps are awful without even being on my period, I’ve gained almost 30 pounds within a few months, my acne is so bad, and I can’t have sexual intercourse without being in pain during and bleeding after. After intercourse the cramps are the most intense and most painful. My mood swings are absolutely terrible, makes you feel bipolar when you’re not. I’m definitely getting mine removed, also DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!Read More Read Less

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RosaM | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Been 2 years with it and taking it OUT! I have gained more than 20 pounds, have anxiety that started as intense panic attacks, now I’m just anxious. Acne, hair, hormonal changes. I had Mirena previously, I got pregnant with it so I thought to give something else a shot but oh boy, this is bad. I will give the NuvaRing a shot if not back to Myrena.

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Megan | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

I got Liletta in May of this year, mainly to stop having periods, which my experience has been quite the opposite. This is my first IUD. The insertion was interesting. Not a sharp pain, but a strong weird sensation, I ended up holding a nurses hand to get through it, but after I felt fine. I bled for a few weeks straight after and since then my periods have been irregular and last at least 10 days. The last couple of months I've only had a week of no bleeding between these periods...and its getting to be super annoying. Not why I got it in the first place. I'm committed to giving it a year, but if my periods don't go away by then, I will look into something else. I was on a pill form of progesterone for a couple years and never had a period, may go back to that if this keeps up. Read More Read Less

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gisy | 13-18 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month |
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

Okay so, I've only had liletta in for a few days so I can't guarantee any of these side effects will stick, but so far it's been a little "meh." Although the insertion itself was not terrible, it was uncomfortable, and almost 10 minutes after the insertion I almost fainted. So far I have not had any unusual mood swings, weight gain, or acne related to this (then again, it's only been about 4 days.) Cramps weren't so bad, a little uncomfortable, but barely there. My biggest issue with this is nausea. I do not want to eat; I have to force feed myself or else I probably wouldn't eat anything at all. I'm hoping this nausea goes away in time, but for right now it's a bit intolerable. The other side effect I've been having is insomnia, I can't sleep right for the life of me (but maybe that's just my anxiety kicking in.) Regardless, this isn't such a bad IUD, and everyone works differently, so if you're willing, give it a try. Liletta has one of the higher dosages of progestin, so hopefully my body gets used to this. Read More Read Less

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