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I was diagnosed with with a well differentiated grade 1, stage 2, infiltrating mammary ductul carcinoma breast cancer. This meant it was a mixture of invasive ductal and lobular carcinomas and it was a fast-growing and aggressive Invasive cancer. When starting this medication 4 years ago, I was told it would cause hot flashes, bone pain, etc. I was also told if I could tolerate all the side effe...

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minby | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Locally Advanced Breast Carcinoma
Overall rating 2.3
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JOY | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Hormone Receptor Positive Postmenopausal Early Breast Cancer
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Not good. I think the dosage is too high for women under 180 pounds. The dosage is the same for someone 140 pounds,as someone who is 240 pounds.That's crazy. I am having really bad side effects. My joints ache,especially my legs ,the bottoms of my feet ache, now I can not use my thumbs at all(trigger finger), my blood pressure has become very high, i have to take this pill at night because it knocks me out for three or four hours(I don't respond to noise or light,i think this is dangerous),my thumb now pops out of place and i have to pop it back into place,which is very painful.My liver and kidneys are now being affected.So ,I don't know if I want to keep taking this drug or not.I really wonder just how safe it is.The high blood pressure is making me flush bright red and I feel really tired and depressed.Read More Read Less

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