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mark | 75 or over | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Caregiver
Condition: Tooth Decay Prevention
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

noticed mom 94 years old peeing bed sometimes, lots of bathroom runs at night, and pains threw out her body during the week. this was a result of her brushing her teeth more than once to twice a day and other side affects like the kidney/liver (blood test off). this is just some of the things going on as older humans have worn out body parts plus younger kids are not developed fully and can not get rid of all the toxins from this tooth paste. i finally notice she was fresh in the morning before brushing teeth to abnormal after brushing. finally stopped use and she return to normal days and nights. i very amazed that this was causing her side effects even dizziness. she takes pills for arthritis not sure if this interacts in a negative way. Good Luck To AllRead More Read Less

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